The end of Bloguary

When I started this month’s challenge, I had no idea what to expect. Writing every day seemed like a nice idea and seemed suitably difficult to motivate me. Here is what I learnt, what I enjoyed, what I didn’t enjoy and how I plan on taking my blog going forward.

What did I learn?

Consistency is key. Adopting a discipline to find something to write about is achievable and I think that I have found my true voice when writing. There are no rules on my blog: some posts might be beauty-related, some food, some reviews, some ramblings, some poetry etc. I appreciate that the more ‘successful’ blogs might be focusing on one key topic. But this is my little corner of the internet and I am writing for myself. I am proud of the content that I have created. I have also learnt that people do want to read my writing and engage with the blog/instagram – so a huge thank you if you are one of these people!

What did I enjoy?

I loved the freedom that the writing has given me. I was so nervous to start, but now I feel quite confident in calling myself a blogger/writer (as well as a teacher/makeup extraordinaire…) Learning how to use editing software has proved exceptionally useful and I surprisingly, really enjoy creating videos. I think that my confidence has really grown since I have been blogging regularly as well.

What didn’t I enjoy?

Sometimes, it can be a struggle when the day is nearly done to remember to blog! I don’t like posting content that I’m not proud of, so I think I had a little less sleep than would have been desirable in February to ensure that I was satisfied with each post. I also don’t enjoy the faffy bits; finding a suitable picture to accompany each post, tags to ensure it gets read etc. But these are small things which have definitely become easier and quicker as the month has progressed.

I find it excruciating to tell people about my blog and have not built up the confidence to share the blog with many of my nearest and dearest. So I suppose I did not enjoy the “oh my gosh, what if someone sees this and judges you in a bad way.” feeling. Luckily, I posted anyway, but there is a lot of introspective thought going on when you are putting your voice out into the world. I guess what I’m trying to say is that I didn’t like the insecurities which accompanied blogging, but am proud that I ploughed on regardless.

Going forward?

I’m planning on continuing my blog at least three times a week (perhaps more during the holidays). Ensuring that I continue to write is really important to me and I will endeavour to keep it up; for myself. In the way that I’m recording family for the life project, this is a way of capturing my ‘essence’ in the words that I want to use to express myself. My hope is that people continue to read my words and that I get a bit braver and develop my confidence even more to share  my work.

Thank you so much to anyone who has read/commented/liked or taken the time to stop by lamornalifestyle this month. I wonder what spring will bring….



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